Supporter of Event Horizon

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Four ways to win Event Horizon

Event Horizon provide tournament participants with four different ways of achieving top honours. Each of the awards are equal in value and follows our believe that each aspect of the hobby should be rewarded equally.

There are four top awards on offer,
  • Best Overall "Tri-Man" Award
  • Best General "Knights Champion" Award
  • Best Painting "Master of the Art" Award
  • Best Sportsman "White Knight" Award

The Tri-Man is the Best Overall award that people are familiar with going to 40k tournaments.

Best overall consist of 37.5% Battle Points, 25% sportsman and 37.5% Painting score. To be the Tri-Man, you will need to have a nicely painted army, be a nice person, and win more games than losses. Dropping a game or two is unlikely to have a major impact to your chance at the Tri-Man.

Knights Champion

The Knights Champion is the Best General award via a qualifier and semi knock out format. The Knights Champion is to award the best and consistent 40k player during the weekend, and he will likely to have a 6-0 record to proof it.

At the end of Day 1, the top 4 or 8 players (depending on total number of players) will be drafted into a play off for Knights Champion. Players with a 3/0 record and highest 2/1 record (with highest BP) would be included to make the top 4 or 8.

In Day 2, the drafted players will play against each other in a knock out style format. The player to be undefeated will be crowned the Knights Champion.

Players which are knocked out in day 2 are still eligible for the Tri-Man award.

Master of the Art

Master of the Art is the best painted award for players who had painted/converted each of their model.

To determine the best painter, we have incorporated the Army Painter and Model Painter in the marking criteria. 100 points will be awarded to the painting of the army and another 100 points will be awarded to a single model which will incorporate painting and conversion.

To win this award, the person must truly be a Master of the Art.

White Knight

White Knight is the best sportsman who will be smiling through think and thin. It is likely that you will still be laughing even when he is trouncing your army.

To determine the sportsman score, there is a simple check box scoring at the end of each game. At the end of each day, players will be required to nominate one player they had played on the day as the best sportsman. The player with the highest score will be crowned the White Knight.

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